
About N4admin

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So far N4admin has created 39 blog entries.

New article: Making good vaccines better

2021-06-03T14:38:11+01:00June 3rd, 2021|Blog, News|

Our CEO, Nigel Theobald, is featured in the June issue of The Medicine Maker reviewing the progress made with #covid19vaccines so far. He also looks at how silica nanoparticles like Nuvec® can help to overcome some of the delivery issues that we’ve seen in the vaccines developed to date. "Now that [...]

DirectorsTalk interview: N4 Pharma making ‘considerable’ progress

2021-02-25T09:24:00+00:00February 25th, 2021|Blog, News|

With the release of the Company Report for 2020, N4 Pharma’s CEO, Nigel Theobald, has spoken to Directors Talk about the highlights of last year year. He provides an update on our new refined strategy to focus on three work streams and explains what the Patent in relation to [...]

Nuvec®’s potential in the fight for a vaccine against COVID-19

2020-10-15T13:36:20+01:00October 15th, 2020|News|

Our CEO, Nigel Theobald, has written an article for Drug Discovery Today about the emerging vaccine delivery systems for COVID-19. He talks about how functionalised silica nanoparticles, like Nuvec®, offer a potentially safe and effective alternative delivery system for DNA/RNA vaccines, and may be useful in the race to [...]

Directors Talk interview: N4 Pharma is “entering a defining period”

2020-09-18T09:32:59+01:00September 18th, 2020|News|

After the release of our interim results this week, we're pleased to share another interview between N4 Pharma's CEO, Nigel Theobald, and Directors Talk. Nigel discusses the progress made with Nuvec® research projects in the last half and explains our strategy as we move forward with our work – [...]

Proof of concept project update: interview with Directors Talk

2020-09-14T14:15:34+01:00September 14th, 2020|News, Uncategorised|

N4 Pharma's CEO, Nigel Theobald, has spoken to Directors Talk to give an update on our Covid-19 proof of concept project, and our ongoing work to show Nuvec®'s potential use with multiple vaccines. Watch the interview in full below or read the article. https://vimeo.com/457689117  

New article with ONdrugDelivery: challenges of oligonucleotide delivery

2020-05-28T15:28:27+01:00May 28th, 2020|News|

Our latest article in the May issue of ONdrugDelivery features our CEO, Nigel Theobald, discussing the challenges of oligonucleotide delivery and explores approaches to overcome them. Head to page 68-72 to read more.

Nigel Theobald on revolutionising silica nanoparticle drug delivery

2020-04-23T09:29:08+01:00April 22nd, 2020|News|

The March issue of Pharma's Almanac features our CEO, Nigel Theobald, discussing the advantages of silica and our work with Nuvec® to improve drug delivery systems for nucleic acid-based cancer immunotherapies and viral vaccines. Click here to read more.

N4 Pharma and Proactive discuss the latest update on Nuvec®

2019-09-18T14:46:10+01:00September 18th, 2019|Blog, News|

Our CEO, Nigel Theobald, recently provided an update on our Nuvec® program following the release of our interim results. You can watch the full interview with Proactive London's Andrew Scott below or visit the website: https://bit.ly/2lU6O78. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=776&v=TJVlEOs8TEE  

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